Boosted payments help you clear your balance faster and save on interest. It will pay your:
- contractual minimum payment (plus any arrears)
- monthly instalment payments, if applicable
- plus, a Boost Payment, which will vary depending on your balance.For example, if you had a purchase balance of £1,000 with an interest rate of 39.9% per annum, and you only paid the contractual minimum payment each month, it could take 20 years and 11 months to pay it off. You would pay £2,580 in interest alone. However, if you made a Boosted Payment each month of £71 this could reduce to £640 and you'd pay off your balance in just 6 years and 8 months; assuming you didn't miss any payments, your interest rate does not change and there was no further spend.
You can make Boosted Payments manually online or by calling us or by setting up or amending an existing Direct Debit. If you set up a Direct Debit, the amount will be shown on your statement and your account summary online each month before your Direct Debit is collected.
The Boosted Payment amount may change each month depending on your balance so it is important you check your statement.